न्यु अपडेट


Project Proposal
 Submitted to the Department of Computer Engineering Kathmandu Institute of Technology
 Click here   1. Introduction
Class Timetable is an android application developed with the proposed of helping the educational institutes to plan, schedule and maintain regular classes following a specific time schedule. 
An Android apps is a software application running on the Android platform. Because the Android platform is Built for mobile devices, a typical Android apps is designed for a smartphone or tablet PC running on the Android OS. One of the most widely used mobile OS these days is ANDROID. Android is a software bunch comprising not only operating system but also middleware and key applications. After original release there have been number of updates in the original version of Android.

2. Statement of work
We are planning to manage class timetable of the college using Android technology. Class timetable of the college will also be handled showing routine in standard form at smartphone. We are also going to include class notice, class start notification. The overview of our project will look like this.

3. Aims and Objective
The main objective of this project is:-
The application aim at notifying class students and teacher about their class timing and planning of class.
Using this Class timetable apps, a user can check the list of available subject and timing.
Being android application, it is more flexible then other application currently in use
Related works
Our project “CLASS TIMETABLE IN ANDROID” is not original itself from the scratch, many attempts were continually made by our seniors at different times in the past .Some of which we have incorporated from them. We got an idea Java Development Kit (JDK), Android SDK, Eclipse IDE, Android Development Tools (ADT) and SQLite implementation which mainly based on college requirement.

5. Existing System
In traditional system of class timetable management, the notification and scheduling of classes is either done manually with hand or with some other software packages. But the institute manager of planner may not be familiar with software operating.
5.1. Proposed System
So, the existing Class Timetable system cannot notify the class member instantly and the proposed app aims at eradicating this drawback. Since it does not require any special skill or training to operate android application, the traditional class timetable management system can easily be replaced with the proposed system.

6. Evaluation plan
We are planning to evaluate this project's success by comparing the objectives and the expected outcomes of the project with the result received. We will also evaluate this project by testing it in a small scale organization.
7. Software Tools and Resources
                                                  Software Requirements:
  • SQLite, WampServer ,
  • NET framework 3.5
  • Java Development Kit (JDK) 
  • Android SDK
  • Eclipse IDE 
  • Android Development Tools(ADT)

8. Conclusion
Class Timetable Android app, being capable of providing a platform for planning, scheduling, maintaining and notifying with a single application, can prove to be the most effective and reliable Class Timetable application. As the application is designed in android platform, it can installed every students and teacher smartphones or Android phones.
9. References
 1. http://www.tutorialspoints.com,22/01/2016
2. http://www.android.com, 22/01/2016
3. Wallace Jackson “Android Apps for Absolute Beginners”, 2007, USA (POD)
4.  Paul Beynon-Davies “Database Design and Development”, 2008, Bringing British Education


Project Proposal
 Submitted to theDepartment of Computer EngineeringKathmandu Institute of Technology
1. Introduction
Library management system is designed to meet the needs of information seekers. The objectives of is project is to provide complete database for the library which will be help to minimize the duplication of data, get rid from paper filling system and it makes the processing of data very easy without waste of time. The core goals of this project are to define the entities, attributes and their relationship to create a database that can be easily manage by admin.
The “library Management System” is target towards the modern library. All the book details are provided in database. Proper management and audit of books is possible through an easy to use interface for the library staff. Throughout the project the focus has been on presenting information in an easy and intelligible manner. The project is targeted to be useful for both the library staff and also the borrowers. Modern techniques are used to minimize errors in the system.

2. Statement of work
We are planning to manage library management system of the college library using visual basic and vb.net technology. Library management system of the college will also be handled the library system in standard form at desktop application. We are also going to include books information, student’s information, and student’s profiles. The overview of our project will look like this.
2.1 Aims and Objective
The aim of this project is to develop a system that can handle and manage the activities involved in library in an efficient and reliable way. Less managing personnel and easy searching availability and user profile managing are major goals in this project.
⦁    Develop a system that can replace the manual library managing system.
⦁    Develop a database which stores user details and book details.
⦁    Give reliable search facility for the users.
⦁    Create an easy to understand user friendly environment.
⦁    Attractive user interfaces to navigate through the system for the users.
⦁    Related works
Our project “LIBRARY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM” is not original itself from the scratch, many attempts were continually made by our seniors at different times in the past .Some of which we have incorporated from them. We got an idea Visual Basic 6.0, VB.Net, MS-Access 203 SQL server 2008 implementation which mainly based on college requirement.

3. Proposed System
To achieve the aims and objectives of this project, the main things is to identify the main features that involved in the system. In this scenario, there are three types of users; they are administrator, librarian and borrowers. All this user should be able to login to the system with separate logins. New users can be registered only under administrative concern. A database is there to store the user details and book details. This information can be retrieved by the users as per their privilege. Anyone can search the system using given specification and the availability of the books are updated by the immediately. So there won’t be unavailability problem regarding the searching criteria. 
3.1. Activities involved with Borrower
⦁    Search for book – by title, name and author.
⦁    View the user details
⦁    Modify the details
⦁    Reserve books
3.2. Activities involved with Administrator
⦁     Maintain book information –add ,delete books
⦁    Maintain database
⦁    View user details
⦁    Maintain user details 

3.3. Activities involved with Librarian
⦁    Issue books
⦁    Return books
⦁    Add and delete books
⦁    Reserve books 

4. Evaluation plan
We are planning to evaluate this project's success by comparing the objectives and the expected outcomes of the project with the result received. We will also evaluate this project by testing it in a small scale organization.
4.1 Software Tools and Resources
       Software Requirements:
⦁    SQLite, WampServer ,
⦁    .NET framework 3.5
⦁    Visual Basic 6.0
⦁    VB.net
⦁    MS-Access 

6. Conclusion
Our project is only a humble venture to satisfy the needs in a library. Several user friendly coding have also adopted. This package shall prove to be powerful package in satisfying all the requirements of the college. The objective of software planning is to provide a frame work that enables the manager to make reasonable estimates made within a limited time frame at the beginning of the software project and should be updated regularly as the project progresses.

7. References
 1. http://www.vbtutor.net/vb_sample/sample.html
2.  Paul Beynon-Davies “Database Design And Development”, 2008, Bringing British Education

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